Preparing Christians to lead confidently in their homes, workplaces, churches, and communities with the Love of Christ in the middle of a dark and perverse time. The Warrior Up Conference empowers the inner warrior with the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit. With practical preparedness for emergencies and for the Last Days.
To purchase tickets click on the Register Now button above. You can also purchase additional Raffle and Door Prize tickets. Door Prizes must be present to win. Grand Prize Raffle Ticket you do not need to be present or attend the conference.
Early Full
Single $200 $225
Couple $350 $400
Additional Age 10-17 Ticket $125 (Must be accompanied by Adult and ticket is for meals and lodging w/ no add-ons)
Sleeping Accommodations are in the main retreat center - Most rooms are six to a room (Men with Men - Women with Women)
Saturday Conference Only- Includes Meals w/ Add-ons (except range on Sunday)
Early $80 Full $100
The Grand Prize is a Glock 48 9MM 4.17in 10rd custom engraved for the conference by YoungerGunWorks.Com. (You do not need to Register or attend the Conference to win) The Grand Prize Raffle helps to provide scholarships and reduced-price tickets for the event.
Proposed Schedule
Topics, speakers, and Times may change
as trainers/speakers confirm