Two week Kenya Crusade April 18th to May 2nd
Thank you! I am George Gipson Pastor, Revivalist, Evangelist, Veteran, and Founder of Refiners Army. We are in the middle of launching our vision for the Body of Christ with Refiners Army. The Lord has opened a door to bring the gospel across Kenya with Evangelist Tom Fox of Hope of Glory Ministries.
We need Your Support
If your reading this you are probably friends or family. As an update, God confirmed that Mari will be joining the crusade! We are super excited that God would call us together as a couple! We are believing God for a tremendous outpouring!
I will be taking you with me. With every donation I will be sending you an invitation to join the Crusade Band App. I will be uploading pics and videos, updating where we are and the prayer needs for that area or daily needs, and going live whenever we have wi-fi service, I want to take you with me!!
Here is an update From Hope of Glory Ministry:
2023 Masai Tribe Tent Meeting
& 2 Major Conferences
Our ministry in April has expanded. We are expecting 15,000 Masai from Kenya and Tanzania to come to our tent meeting. We are doubling the size of the massive tent for this event.
In addition, we will be the main speakers at the Western Revival Tent Meeting and have added another big conference in Nairobi.
Last year, hundreds were saved, healed, and delivered. A deaf and dumb boy began to speak for the first time. We are anticipating a massive outpouring on this trip.
Please Help Us - Thank You!
Kenya Calling Dates
April 18 to May 1
Pastor George & Mari Gipson will be joining us
Please Help Support This Crusade
You can send me support immediately if you do not need a tax deduction through:
Zelle at 952-201-1745
Tax Deductible Donations
Credit Card Click on the Button Above
Checks can be made payable to:
Refiners Army
Send to:
PO Box 236
Somerset, WI 54025